Sunday, August 26, 2012


Self proclaimed queen of sex and sleaze – Sapna, who has done about 300 films in India over the past 16 years is not getting prepared to show her fully naked body for her film named "No 1 Dirty Heroine Sapna".


After the catastrophic spread of aids in the world, which generated from United States and the American continent, now a new deadly disease named Chagas, which medical experts are comparing with aids, is spreading fast in America, according to medical journals.


When most of the poultry farms and meat processing plants in the world are trying to increase the prices of Halal whole chicken and parts of chicken seeing the increasing demand from the potential customers from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Tunisia as well as other Muslim countries in the world, Berfum Dondurulmus Gida, a poultry and meat processing plant based in Turkey is offering halal frozen griller chicken [size 1200~2800 grams] and halal frozen hen chicken [size 900~1400 grams] as well as parts of chicken such as hen feet, lever etc at a very competitive price.


Members and leaders of Hizb Ut Towhid follow numerous ways in generating fund not only by collecting donations but also by running various types of legal and illegal businesses in Bangladesh and abroad.


As the world's population lives longer than ever, if we don't succumb to heart disease, strokes or accidents, it is more likely that cancer will get us one way or another. Cancer is tough to fight, as the body learns how to outsmart medical approaches that often kill normal cells while targeting the malignant ones


From October, tourist season will begin in Thailand, when hundreds and thousands of tourists will flock into the country, mostly to visit Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and Chiang Mai. For those, who will arrive in Bangkok city, the first and foremost issue is finding a transfer from the Bangkok Suvarnabhumi international airport to hotel or service apartments.



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